Australian Traveldapter
Our UK to AUS/NZ travel converter plug is suitable for approximately 10 countries including American Samoa, Australia, China, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan and Tonga.
The plug is AS/NZS3112:2000 compliant meaning it complies with all relevant Australian safety standards.
Unlike most cheap travel adaptors, Traveldapter® carries an earthed plug, so may be safely used with earthed appliances, as well as non earthed appliances.
The USB version has 2 USB ports providing a safe and stable power source for all of your USB charging and powering needs.
Destinations using the Type I plug mainly use 230V mains voltage, so any appliance used correctly in Europe may be safely used in the UK and other previously mentioned destinations with a UK Traveldapter®

UK to Type I 2-socket Lite adapter
Use UK plugs in Australia, New Zealand, China, Argentina & Pacific Islands
UK to Type M 3 Sockets, 3 USB Ports, 1 USB-C Port
Everything you need to know about Traveldapter® ….the most versatile travel plug money can buy!
EU to Type I 3-socket adapter with 6 USB ports
Use EU plugs in Australia, New Zealand, China, Argentina & Pacific Islands
EU to Type I 4-socket adapter
Use EU plugs in Australia, New Zealand, China, Argentina & Pacific Islands
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